Dog Slipper Elm: All you Need to Know

Slippery elm is one of the best herbal resources to provide a soothing and emollient effect in dogs. Its healing properties are numerous, as it could help in relieving digestive problems and pet respiratory conditions. Over the years, finding a trusted method to deal with a running stomach in dogs has proved to be unreliable. Since many pet owners discovered the herb’s powers, there has been a growing need for the slippery elms. 

If you are looking to learn more about the pros and cons and how best to use slippery elm in dogs, you can find out more in the section below. 

What is Slippery Elm 

It is a naturally occurring elm plant that is native to the eastern parts of North America. It is often called the red, moose, gray, soft, or Indian elm. The plant’s inner bark is rich in nutrients such as Sodium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B, C, and K. 

It is available in powdered form and capsules and can be found in most health food stores. You can also find it for sale online from supplements retailers. In the past, the plant’s inner bark was used as a natural bandage to stop bleeding. It has been modified in recent times and can be used to cure and relieve some conditions in humans and animals. 

Uses of Slippery Elm in Dogs 

There are several ways slippery elm can be beneficial to both young and adult canines. They are available for sale and usually don’t need any particular prescription before administering to dogs. 

You can check here for the health benefits of elm in the body. Some of the conditions where the herb can be useful include 


Digestive problems like that of a running stomach could be uncomfortable for both puppies and adults. It works for both minor and acute cases like stomach irritation, colitis, or inflammations around the bladder lining. It provides a soothing relief by lubricating the passage along the digestive tract. The oily secretions or mucilage that makes up the slippery elm enables the smooth passage of food down the gastrointestinal tract. 

Cough and Flu 

With its ability to treat inflammations, the slippery elm could also provide relief from cough and irritations in the throat. By soothing the respiratory tract, your dog will breathe better and reduce the tension in the chest. When left untreated, a cough could quickly turn into flu, and before you know it, you may need to schedule a visit to the vet. Using pills or tea could be a lot cheaper and stress-free way to prevent serious ailments. 


In addition to diarrhea, a dose or two of elm capsules or tea could also help treat constipation. The wonder herb, in addition to soothing, also helps with lubricating, which helps to unclog the stomach. 

The herb is safe to treat conditions of inflammation such as asthma, bronchitis, and tonsillitis. It could also work wonders for joint pain, especially when combined with holistic treatment such as CBD oil. 

How to Treat with Slippery Elm 

There are few ways you can make use of the plant’s inner bark for treating pet conditions. Certain conditions will determine how much dosage to administer to your dog. There are useful suggestions here on how to use the bark for treating diseases in humans and animals. 

The critical factor is the weight and age of the dog. You can expect puppies to consume less than adult dogs. You can find a breakdown of the dosage based on the type of medication you use. 


You can find capsules that you can sneak into your dog meal so it can swallow it. For small dogs less than 30lbs, you can administer a quarter capsule twice daily. Medium-sized dogs that weigh more than 40lbs can use half a pill twice daily. For larger breeds, you can use a tablet twice or thrice daily, depending on how often you feed your pet. 


You can mix the powder into pet meals. Use half a teaspoon for every 20lbs of weight. You can add a few spoons for large breeds such as Great Dane, Newfoundland, and Irish Wolfhound. 


You can do this by mixing a part of the powder in cold water to achieve a paste. Once settled, boil for a few minutes and include a drop or two of honey to thicken. For dogs that weigh less than 25lbs, give one or two tablespoons. You can use more for canines that weigh more than 30lbs. 

Final Note 

There are several pet conditions in dogs where the slippery elm could be useful. You must source herbs that are of natural origin without any form of artificial additives.

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